A huge thanks to all the bookstagrammers and bloggers who participated in this – taking turns to get the word out to their followers about Trust.
This has been such a valuable means of communications in these Covid days, when getting out and about to bookstores and events in person has been largely impossible.
The great thing about social media, of course, is that it’s not one-way communication; people provide their own comments, observations and critiques. Fascinating to witness and particpate in.
A massive thanks to all!
@bookswithpaulette @aplace_inthesun @seventyeight.Sundays @storiesandstacks @meet_me_at_the_library #1girl2manybooks @sometimes_i_read_books #readingwritingandriesling.blog @debbish @carpe_librum1 @booklover_book_reviews @lola.and.puki @inthegoodbooksblog @keepingupwiththepenguinsonline #bluewolf-reviews.com @nicbookpanda @stefgalvin @jadereads #bookdout.wordpress.com @ihavenoshelfcontrol @_whatkatiereadnext_ @sydneyeditor1