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Trust published in UK!

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January the 7th – publication day in the United Kingdom!  Also Ireland and continental Europe, plus the Commonwealth and pretty much everywhere else as well. The exceptions are here in Australian and New Zealand, where Allen & Unwin have done a brilliant job since publishing it in October 2020, and the US and Canada, where unfortunately we’re still overcoming publication difficulties (I know, frustrating, right?).

I’m thrilled with amazing job Headline/Wildfire have done with this UK edition, producing a beautiful hardback. The paperback will come out later in the year.

I’m really hoping this book will provide some enjoyment, entertainment and escapism for all those readers enduring lock downs and other burdens. It’s set in Sydney, post-covid, so hopefully it fits the bill.

Big thanks to The Times/Sunday Times for giving it a very generous mention in the paper’s Crime Club newsletter: ‘Scrublands (2019), Hammer’s brilliant debut, was set in drought-stricken Riversend; the even better Silver (2020) was set in Scarsden’s native Port Silver, an idyllic seaside town hiding terrible secrets. Trust takes him back to his old stamping ground of Sydney where everything is greater: the risks, the rewards and the appetites. Once again Hammer provides a gripping, complex mystery.’

And thanks also to Mike Ripley for the mention in Shots Magazine: ‘Trust is a fine example of top-notch Australian crime fiction and there is no doubt that Chris Hammer is one of its leading lights now.’